Halley’s Comet
When I was much younger, my friends and I played a specific prank on each other. In the middle of a sentence, or apropos of nothing, someone would point to the sky and scream “Halley’s Comet!” The goal was to distract everyone and see who would fall for it. At some point, everyone fell for it, even though we all consciously understood that we should have known better.
And that, good people, is what this election feels like.
I’m going to reiterate that I’m non-partisan, which, these days, boils down to the fact that I have just as many problems with Democrats as I do Republicans. Because as far as I’m concerned, both parties could use an overhaul and redirection.
That said, as responsible citizens, we have to understand that there are a LOT of diversionary tactics being employed to sway factions of voters who, again, in my opinion, should have their feet firmly rooted in their voting choices based on 3.8 years of evidence.
Let’s discuss Trump’s Platinum Plan for Black people, shall we?
But, before I go on, can we all agree that Trump has done absolutely nothing to help Black people during his Presidency? If anything, he’s actively hurt Black people (and before you rebut this, ask yourself the following question: am I Black? If the answer is yes, keep reading. If the answer is no, shut up and keep reading). He’s actively disparaged the BLM movement as a hate group, has openly fought AGAINST inclusion and openly PRAISED the Apartheid system of government that oppressed Blacks in South Africa. He is quoted to have said “nobody loves Black people more than me.” Sir, with the evidence I’VE seen? I’m pretty sure that EVERYBODY loves Black people more than you.
Now . . . back to the Platinum Plan, which is outlined below:
I’m not going to go point-by-point here, because, irrelevant, but . . . while some might think this is an interesting plan, does anyone find it uncanny that he would propose such a plan RIGHT before the election? Further, is anyone even slightly curious as to why he didn’t lead with this at the beginning of his Presidency? I mean, one would THINK that a person who looooooves Black people as much as he claims to would have used such a plan as more than a last ditch effort to gain the Black vote.
It’s his very own Halley’s Comet, as he throws an imaginary diversion into the sky with the knowledge that at least a certain percentage of people will turn to look, with the hope of being dazzled by what will probably amount to a forgotten program, if it’s not complete bullshit at its inception, and cast a vote for him in November while distracted.
If there is nothing else to take away from this piece, plesae know that Halley’s Comet won’t make another appearance until 2061. Don’t fall for it. He’s President of a few . . . which doesn’t include YOU.